
Drupal Entity Reference type: Menu

The W3CSS Menu is a specialized sub-module within the Drupal module W3CSS Paragraphs. It is uniquely designed to reference any menu within a Drupal website. To harness its functionality, the installation of the 'Menu Reference Render' Drupal module is a prerequisite. This sub-module is particularly user-friendly, offering an intuitive interface with two primary tabs: Display and Content. Each tab is equipped with a range of customizable fields, allowing for extensive personalization and styling of menus.

Display Tab: The Display tab is where the visual aspects of the menu are customized. This tab is rich with options, giving users the power to define the aesthetic of their menu precisely.

  1. Background Colors: Users can choose from a palette of 30 different colors to set the background of the menu.
  2. Background Color Hover: This field offers 30 color options for the background color when the mouse hovers over a menu item.
  3. Text Colors: There are 30 different color options available for the text in the menu, providing ample choices to match any design scheme.
  4. Text Color Hover: Similar to the background color hover, this field offers 30 color options for the text when hovered over.
  5. Border Color: Users can select from 30 different colors for the border of the menu.
  6. Border Color Hover: This field provides 30 color options for the border color during a hover event.
  7. Background Color Opacity: After choosing a background color, its opacity can be adjusted from 5% to 95%, in 10% increments. This feature creates 330 possible color variations, enhancing the menu's visual appeal. It's important to note that the opacity setting applies only to the background color.
  8. Width: The width of the menu can be adjusted, with options ranging from 30% to 100% of the available space.
  9. Borders: There are 11 different border styles to choose from, adding to the menu's customization.
  10. Round Borders: This feature offers 6 styles for creating rounded borders.
  11. Margin: Users have 6 styles to choose from for setting the margin of the menu.
  12. Padding: There are 8 different padding styles available, allowing for precise control over the spacing within the menu items.
  13. Box Shadow: Users can add a subtle 2px or 4px bordered shadow to the menu, enhancing its depth and visual interest.
  14. Additional W3.CSS Classes: An extra field is provided for applying any W3.CSS classes, further extending the customization possibilities.

Content Tab: The Content tab is focused on the structural and functional aspects of the menu.

  1. Title: This field is for entering the content title of the menu, providing a label or heading for the menu structure.
  2. Entity Reference Field: This is a crucial field where users can reference the specific menu block they wish to display. It links the W3CSS Menu settings to the chosen Drupal menu, ensuring seamless integration and functionality.

Conclusion: The W3CSS Menu sub-module in Drupal's W3CSS Paragraphs offers a comprehensive and flexible solution for creating and customizing menus. Its wide array of styling options, coupled with the ability to reference any Drupal menu, makes it a valuable tool for web designers and Drupal site administrators aiming for both aesthetic appeal and functional excellence in their menu designs.

The footer menu embedded inside the menu paragraphs bundle.

The available featured for this bundle.

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